Described as one of the most beautiful small towns in Italy, Castelsardo appears to be perched on a rocky promontory overlooking the Gulf of Asinara.
Its natural beauty, splendid bays, typical products, craftsmanship, traditions and characteristic marina make it one of the most evocative tourist locations in Sardinia.

CastelsardoThe historic centre still preserves the old walls and the central body of the castle, near to which there are two important historical religious buildings, the Church of Santa Maria and the Cathedral of Sant’Antonio Abate, with its outstanding bell tower and majolica-tiled dome. All around there is a labyrinth of narrow, stone-paved streets, cared for and decorated by the inhabitants, including the delightful local ladies who sit on the doorsteps of their houses busy weaving the famous Castelsardo baskets by hand.
The town is also renowned for its excellent cuisine, especially sea-food and fish-based dishes